What We Offer You to Shape the Future of Healthcare Education

Become a changemaker in healthcare education
Merkaii Xcellence Prep offers a platform designed to empower passionate educators like you
Here's how

Be Your Own Curriculum Boss: and publish the course you envision, using your preferred teaching methods and content. You have complete control over the material you deliver.
Share Your Passion, Amplify Your Impact: Our platform empowers you to teach the subjects you're most passionate about. Share your knowledge and inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Build a Thriving Community: Collaborate and share knowledge with a network of passionate educators and eager learners.
Monetize Your Expertise: Sharpen your skills by developing and delivering courses. You earn directly for each student you enroll, creating a rewarding financial return.
Freedom and Flexibility: Design your course schedule and tailor your teaching approach to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Why Choose Us!

Teach your way

Publish the course you want, in the way you want, and always have control of your own content.

Inspire learners

Teach what you know and help learners explore their interests, gain new skills, and advance their careers.

Get rewarded

Expand your professional network, build your expertise, and earn money on each paid enrollment.

Teach your way

Publish the course you want, in the way you want, and always have control of your own content.

+100 Individual Tutors

Publish the course you want, and always have control of your own content.

+100 Individual Tutors

Publish the course you want, and always have control of your own content.

+100 Individual Tutors

Publish the course you want, and always have control of your own content.

The How to Begin the Independent Educator Journey

Register for a Teacher’s Plan

Sign up for a Teacher's Plan that best suits your needs and curriculum goals. We offer various options to give you the flexibility, resources and control you deserve to thrive.

Develop Your Curriculum

Craft your compelling curriculum! Outline your course content, including learning objectives, lesson structure, assignments, and assessments. Identify the valuable skills and knowledge you’ll impart to your students.

Record Your Videos

Share your expertise through engaging video lectures. Merkaii Xcellence Prep provides all the tools you need to record high-quality videos from the comfort of your own space.

Launch Your Course

Once everything is polished, launch your course and start inspiring future healthcare professionals! Merkaii Xcellence Prep handles the marketing and student enrollment, so you can focus on what you do best – teaching.

Courses From Individual Tutors

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Check Out Our Pricings

Merkaii Xcellence Premium plan for the Individual

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This includes:
Gold plan

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